It was a new weekend and time to get serious again about my goal. Plus, The Wife is putting the pressure on by inviting some Good Folks (not my usual riff-raff friends) over. Turkey sounded like nice variety so we're going for Smoked Turkey Breast with Honey-Maple Glaze on page 137 and for good measure, the Grilled Fruit Skewers with Spicy Maple Cumin Glaze on page 140. Oddly enough, my first obstacle was finding just a plain turkey breast. Went to a couple stores and finally the butcher at Market Street pointed me to a partial turkey. No legs, but all the ribs, etc. Slicing that sucker up was pretty slimy, but you can see it there on the left.
For dessert I made the skewers. Quite tasty and pretty fast to make. Used apple, peach, banana and pineapple. The sweet & spicy combo was quite tasty. It was hard to get the apple on the skewer without breaking it, but was really good cooked. I guess the Cinnamon in it reminded me of apple pie. I'm not always a peach fan, they changed flavor when cooked with the glaze and were great.
So.... overall, quite a success. I would definitely recommend these recipes in the future. Both Male & Female Good Folk seemed happy though Male seems oddly determined to make my buy a boat. But where would I put the Komodo?
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