Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Episode IX - Turkey Beast & Fruit Skewers

It was a new weekend and time to get serious again about my goal. Plus, The Wife is putting the pressure on by inviting some Good Folks (not my usual riff-raff friends) over. Turkey sounded like nice variety so we're going for Smoked Turkey Breast with Honey-Maple Glaze on page 137 and for good measure, the Grilled Fruit Skewers with Spicy Maple Cumin Glaze on page 140. Oddly enough, my first obstacle was finding just a plain turkey breast. Went to a couple stores and finally the butcher at Market Street pointed me to a partial turkey. No legs, but all the ribs, etc. Slicing that sucker up was pretty slimy, but you can see it there on the left.

The rub was pretty straight forward and if you can believe it, I got the fire going real easy, hit the target 250 pretty much right off the bat and the darned thing cooked right on schedule too. Of all days to have planned ahead and factored in extra time! It was ready a solid 45 minutes before Good Folk showed up. Check it out. Smelled great and looked gorgeous with the glaze.

Here it is plated. The sweet crunchy crust and the mild smokey flavor really complimented each other. Female Good Folk made the excellent lettuce salad. The chilled corn dish I made was quite interesting. Just out of the paper, but the chipotle mayo, lime, Cotija cheese and Parmesan really made a great combo on a hot day. Spicy, but cold going down.

For dessert I made the skewers. Quite tasty and pretty fast to make. Used apple, peach, banana and pineapple. The sweet & spicy combo was quite tasty. It was hard to get the apple on the skewer without breaking it, but was really good cooked. I guess the Cinnamon in it reminded me of apple pie. I'm not always a peach fan, they changed flavor when cooked with the glaze and were great.

So.... overall, quite a success. I would definitely recommend these recipes in the future. Both Male & Female Good Folk seemed happy though Male seems oddly determined to make my buy a boat. But where would I put the Komodo?

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