I still haven't been satisfied with my briskets, so I've been studying a little. It seems other folks get a lot of success with what Iv'e tried, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't fiddle around with it a little. For one thing, I was watching BBQ Pit Masters on TV and watched them prep their meat. A few ideas have come to mind:
I'm going to trim the brisket very well. It seems like a lot of folks make the case that the fat helps keep it moist, but does it? Does the fat actually soak in? Can the rub seal it?
I am going to inject it. Most of the advice I see online implies it doesn't help. But can it hurt? It is easy, I've got the injector and most the recipes are just some combination of rub, apple juice, water and oil.
See, it still looks pretty good when I put it on the cooker. :-)
I will use the high temp method, but instead of wrapping in foil, I am going to put it in one of those big foil pans and cover it. That ought to help keep in a lot of the juices.
Final results? Pretty darn good. Very moist and quite flavorful. I didn't get the smoke ring I was expecting. I can maybe fix that by smoking a little longer next time, maybe a little lower heat to start with. But The Wife says this might've been the best brisket yet, so I am pretty happy. Now, if I just knew which one of the changes I made mattered.......
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